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3 Easy Ways To Add Art to Your Homeschool

Homeschoolers are experts at long, arduous searches for math and language arts programs. But subjects like art hang out on our shoulders whispering, “You know you need to do more of this.”

It is super easy to add art to your homeschool.

But if you don’t feel like a creative soul, art curriculums can seem as exciting and scary as calculus. So you might be looking for ways to add art to your homeschool routine without boring the family to tears. And without getting glitter lodged in your carpet, or paint on the walls.

Art doesn’t have to be hard. You certainly don’t have to drill your kid on the year that Van Gogh was born, or what Gustav Klimt’s favorite breakfast was.

There are so many ways to get a little bit of art into your home, without making you feel like you need to be Picasso.

3 Easy Ways to Add Art to Your Homeschool Routine

Nature Journaling

This is a homeschooler favorite. All you need is a sketchbook and a pencil. You can add colored pencils or crayons, but they aren’t necessary. The key here is to teach children to observe life around them, and to record their journey. In as much detail or as little detail as they want. And bonus, they have their own little book to have their memories.

add art to your homeschool nature study in woods
Nature Study

Confession time: this hasn’t yet worked for us.

We love being outside, and we love nature, but I am terrible at remembering to bring the journals along. When we get home, no one wants to have to sit down and document something.

The key is to bring that book and pencil with you. Hopefully you will be better at remembering how to do this than I am.

However, that shouldn’t stop you. If you are an outdoorsy and nature-loving family, then you should definitely give it a try.

Creative Prompts

Every morning my kids have a morning activity. I set it out the night before, and more times than not, it’s art-based. When my kids are ready, they come downstairs to something that helps their minds wake up in a gentle way. (It’s also the time I get my coffee in.)

add art to your homeschool morning activity
Contact Paper with Flowers

Don’t panic. It doesn’t have to take a long time to set up. And you certainly don’t have to do it every day.

Here are some ideas that don’t take a long time to set up:

  • Dot markers
  • Stamps and stamp pads
  • New stickers
  • Scented markers
  • Coloring pages
  • How-to-draw sheets you printed from Pinterest
  • Playdough or modeling clay
  • Legos
  • Contact paper and flower petals and leaves

I have set out paint a couple of times when I’m feeling more daring. But you certainly don’t have to.

Sometimes the best ones are an art supply and a silly drawing prompt from the Glitterbombers Membership. You just sit back and watch the magic happen.

One New Art Supply

Take the kids and hit up the local craft store like Michaels. Walk up and down the aisles and let everyone choose an art supply to buy (within budget).

add art to your homeschool new art supply
Kwik Stix

Now take those new supplies home, turn on some music, grab some paper, and start experimenting.

  • What does it do?
  • What happens if the paper is wet?
  • Can I get it wet and change the effect?
  • Do I need a special paintbrush?
  • What kind of paper works best?
  • Can I draw over it when I’m done using it? With what?

These are all questions that add a scientific flair to your artistic experimentation, and this approach also promotes creative exploration. Fearlessness.

Sometimes we lose that as adults. We get wrapped up in an idea of what art is supposed to be, that we forget to ask the question… What if…?

Join the Glitterbombers Membership!

This is only one of the many diverse art conversations had in the Glitterbombers Membership. Hundreds more art projects, videos, and resources at your fingertips for whatever you’re studying, or whatever art concept you’re ready to teach. Head here to hop on the waitlist and find out when we open next!


Do you have any ideas for ways to add art to your homeschool routine? Please share below!


Then click on the banner to grab your FREE copy of our 9 pages of Silly Drawing Prompts!

2 thoughts on “3 Easy Ways To Add Art to Your Homeschool”

  1. I just discovered your blog! I am a gramma that does the art part of my grandchildren’s homeschooling. They vary in age 2 – 9 years old. I use DSS too and enjoy seeing how your children create the various art projects from DSS. I also use Cassie Stephen’s art ideas (she has a blog and utube channel) and I am using Mona Brookes’ learn how to draw techniques. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    1. Hi Elaine! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words! I’m just getting started but hope to be a good resource for pointing people in the direction of DSS, and people like Cassie Stephens and Mona Brooks so that art is made so much more enjoyable in homeschooling. I love how you are doing the art portion – that must be so much fun handling that with your grandkids!

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