No Mess, Less Stress, More Sparkle
Art that shimmers and sparkles is magical. But trying to get glitter out of your carpet and clothes for weeks, not so magical. You definitely aren’t going to feel like a fairy. I went on a quest to find ways to make art sparkle for both kids and adults that didn’t cost a fortune, but still managed to add that extra special something.

For the record, I still manage to sneak loose glitter into just about everything that we do. But if you are looking for ways to add some sparkle and shimmer to art projects, without looking like a fairy pixie-dusted your house or classroom, I have some ideas for you. Any links are afflinks, which means that you pay the same, and I make enough to fund my coffee as I hunt for new art supplies for you!

6 Ways to Make Art Sparkle – Without the Mess!
1. Metallic Markers
I used to be a huge fan of metallic Sharpies, until I accidentally ordered the wrong ones (this is one of many reasons I should probably get more sleep). What I ended up with is the Bic Intensity.
Waterproof, shimmery, cheaper, and with less odor, these are a great addition to your art supplies.

We love using them to add little details to our art projects: a golden collar for a cat, a silver snaggle-tooth for a monster, or metallic buttons. They also show up beautifully on black paper.

2. Glitter Liquid Watercolors
Instead of sprinkling glitter over a piece, these liquid watercolors have glitter in them. So when you paint a sunset, the entire sunset sparkles. Sadly, this is hard to photograph, so you’re just going to have to take my word for it.

If you’re not familiar with liquid watercolors, they’re a great way to get the beautiful effects of watercolors, and they are super vibrant. The starfish and shell above are painted with regular liquid watercolors, and the glittery cousins are in the background.
Squeeze a little out, and dip and go. No teaching kids how to swirl the brush in the paint and then trying to stop them from digging the paint out of the wells.
Glitter watercolors are a bit trickier to find. Handy Art is Lakeshore Learning’s brand, but they can disappear from their shelves for months. The Colorations brand is super vibrant and can easily be found on Amazon or Discount School Supply (and sometimes Blick). You can check this link to see if they’re in stock.
Liquid watercolors can seem expensive at first glance, but know that these will last a long time.

3. Metallic & Glitter Tempera
Liquid tempera paint comes in an assortment of metallics, but the gold and silver are worth a purchase. They offer a little bit of bling to your projects, especially during the holidays or when doing artist studies like Klimt. Sax Versatemp is my absolute favorite.
Glitter tempera can add sparkle to any project, since the glitter is usually in a transparent paint. It’s also perfect for making glitter paper. This is a bit like that nail polish that looks super sparkly in the bottle but goes on clear with some sparkle. So be prepared that you’re not going to have solid glitter. You can find this at Lakeshore Learning or in multiple brands. An inexpensive option is Sargent right here.
One of the best things to do with this is to paint a coat over any of your painted paper to create some fun glitter paper (without that mess!).

4. Metallic Tempera Sticks
Kwik Stix are the brand most frequently seen and used, and they come in a variety of colors, including an array metallic colors. They don’t sparkle, but they sure do shimmer!

These are super easy for younger kids to use and color with. They go on like an oil pastel, but are encased in a tube so little hands don’t get as dirty. You can use them on paper, cardboard, rocks, and even pumpkins.
5. Metallic & Shimmery Gel Sticks
Faber Castell’s gel crayons are water soluble. That means that once you’re done coloring with them, you add a little bit of water with a paint brush and voila, instant gleaming metallic paint.
Just like the Kwik Sticks, they come in a case that looks like lipstick so little hands stay cleaner. (Although usually Little Sparklette goes to town with these and somehow ends up with a rainbow forehead.)
Another option is Ooly’s Rainbow Sparkle Watercolor Gel Crayons. Big Sparklette fell in love with these at a bookstore. You can find them on Amazon, or you can order them direct from Ooly.

6. Sparkle Mod Podge
Mod podge has gotten a serious upgrade. There’s the sparkle variety for a subtle shimmer, and one with iridescent glitter.

There are so many ways to use this, including:
- Paint this over a regular piece of paper for instant glitter paper when it dries (feel free to add extra glitter on top).
- Use it to seal a finished clay project for extra sparkle.
- Paint it over a certain section of the art project, such as snow, to give it a glitter effect.

Sparkly Projects Without the Glitter
Want to test out the metallics? Head here to make some leaf prints!

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This is an example of the fun we have inside the Glitterbombers Memberships. Chose the level right for your students – Glitterbombers (K-7th) or the new Glitterbombers HIGH (7th-12th). With either choice, you’ll have hundreds more art projects, videos, and resources at your fingertips for whatever you’re studying, or whatever art concept you’re ready to teach. Head here to hop on the waitlist and find out when we open next!