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Dinovember | Art Projects for Kids

I’ve always been a huge Halloween fan, but when Halloween is over, there’s a bit of a lull. So I was thrilled to hear about Dinovember – an entire month of dinosaurs getting up to no good, silly antics and Dinovember art projects.

If you’re on the hunt for a book to enjoy with it, try out What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night by Refe Tuma.

Now, I know it can be time consuming to come up with something every single day for these dinosaur figurines to get up to, so I keep it simple. They might be taking a bath, eating one of the kid’s favorite cereals, doing an art project – it doesn’t need involve an hour of set up or clean up for my girls to be excitedly running around trying to find them.

Do dinosaurs draw owls well? You be the judge.

With dinosaurs on the loose, I knew kids were going to want to draw them too, so I’m bringing two of my favorite dinosaur projects in a downloadable PDF form to you.

These are perfect for sub plans, early finishers, remote learning, art-on-a-cart, a dinosaur unit study, or just everyday artsy fun. Both come with a step-by-step drawing guide that you can guide students through, or give them to do an independent drawing themselves.

Project 1: T-Rex Trouble

There is nothing as bad as a T-Rex getting into your house.

After drawing the T-Rex, students need to imagine what a T-Rex would do. Would it head straight to bed? Take a bubble bath? Is it a pet? Perhaps it’s helping itself to mom’s coffee? Or is a troublesome dinosaur bouncing through the entire house on a pogo stick breaking things?

Project 2: Cranky Anky

Almost as bad as a troublesome T-Rex is a Cranky Anky.

This ankylosaurus is having a bad day. Again, there’s a step-by-step drawing guide including how to make the eyes look cranky. Then students have one singular objective – give the ankylosaurus something to be cranky about.

My students drew mud puddles, storm clouds following them, volcanos, meteors, dinosaurs chasing them. One even ran into a cupcake (though I would like to argue this may make me the opposite of cranky).

I’m going to tell you a secret though. This project came about when I drew the eyes wrong and it looked a little, well… upset. So we decided to run with it – and isn’t that how the best things happen?

dinovember art projects ankylosaurus
This dinosaur is not in a good mood.

Grab Your Free Lesson Plans

Both of these projects can be done with any supplies you or the students have on hand, and plenty of laughs and creativity – exactly what the doctor ordered this November.

Ready to make a little dino mischief?

Click the banner below to download the FREE lesson plan.

We would love it if you’d share!

Don’t forget to tag us at @soulsparklettes on social media if you do a dinosaur art project with your kids or students – we love to see what you create!

Join one of our Memberships!

This is an example of the fun we have inside the Glitterbombers Memberships. Chose the level right for your students – Glitterbombers (K-7th) or the new Glitterbombers HIGH (7th-12th). With either choice, you’ll have hundreds more art projects, videos, and resources at your fingertips for whatever you’re studying, or whatever art concept you’re ready to teach. Head here to hop on the waitlist and find out when we open next!

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