A Dot Day Activity that's a Game and an Art Project in one!
Imagine a day where dots aren’t just little specks on a page, but the start of something beautiful. That’s exactly what International Dot Day is! It all started with a wonderful book called The Dot by author and illustrator Peter Reynolds. The story is about a girl named Vashti who thought she couldn’t draw. But with a little encouragement from her teacher, Vashti discovered that even a simple dot could become a masterpiece. This heartwarming tale showed us that every dot we make is a chance to express ourselves and make our mark on the world – just like Vashti did.
Every year on September 15th-ish, people from all around the globe celebrate Dot Day by embracing dots, and having fun doing art projects – from a single dot, to polka dotted creations.
This year, we thought it would be fun to play an art game for a Dot Day Activity instead! And better yet, this art game turns into a beautiful and creative art project perfect for hanging on the wall.
Sometimes we think of games as silly and unimportant, but the truth is just the opposite.
Playing games in the art room helps kids level up

Games are a great way to change things up, by showing that art can be everywhere – not just on a canvas.
Kids can practice their fine motor skills, which are important for creating. Drawing circles can be harder than it looks, especially with a timer running – as I found out!
Games take focus, planning, and increase critical thinking skills – Ooops, I’ve already used blue twice, and in the same spot!
They’re a great way to help kids express themselves and their creativity. Do I prefer bright colors or smaller patterns?
How To:

Step 1: Grab your markers or crayons and a piece of paper.
Step 2: Set a timer for 3 minutes and draw as many differently colored circles as you can! Big, small, medium, overlapping – there’s no rules, just circles.

Step 3: Set a timer for 3 minutes. Quickly add a pattern to each circle.
Step 4: Set one last timer for 3 minutes. Fill the background with lines or colors, your choice!

Have fun playing and learning together! Play again with friends, family, or a neighbor. This game is an easy one to play over a video chat too with friends and family who live further away.
Rather see it done? Click below to head to the quick video, then scroll down for a FREE one-page handout!
Have suggestions for future projects and freebies? We’d love to hear it – drop a comment below!
We would love it if you’d share!
Don’t forget to tag us at @soulsparklettes on social media if you try this art activity with your kids or students – we love to see what you create!
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This is an example of the fun we have inside the Glitterbombers Membership. Hundreds more art projects, videos, and resources at your fingertips for whatever you’re studying, or whatever art concept you’re ready to teach. Head here to hop on the waitlist and find out when we open next!
The Glitterbombers Membership doesn’t just include art projects, but also has games, activities, handouts, drawing prompts, and more. Want in? Head here to hop on the waitlist.