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5 Reasons You Need a Homeschool Art Curriculum

When we think about core subjects, we think about math, language arts, history, science… but what about a homeschool art curriculum?


Art often takes second place to these other subjects – and yet, if you ask kids, 9 out of 10 kids will list art as their favorite subject.


So why do we feel like it isn’t as important?

Often it’s because we don’t fully understand how important art is to kids. There are so many long-lasting benefits with self-esteem, creativity, and confidence. All things that most of us would agree are just as important as learning how to use the quadratic equation.

Here are 5 of the top reasons you should ensure that your kids are doing art just as often as you’re doing math with a homeschool art curriculum.


homeschool art curriculum creativity circles

A homeschool art curriculum enhances creativity and imagination

We all want kids who think outside the box – and art does just that.

And when the creativity muscle strengthens, we see it in other areas of their lives, from math, to how they deal with social situations.

But this doesn’t mean we need to throw art supplies at kids and chant “Create!” It means offering them a wide variety of materials and experiences, from drawing to sculpting.

It means helping them with a step-by-step, but also offering the opportunity for kids to add their own spin on things. Perhaps you might help them learn how to draw a volcano, but something different is coming out of it. Then leave it up to them!

Furthermore, creativity is becoming increasingly invaluable in the workforce. You’re setting them up for success, no matter how they choose to help the world as they get older.

homeschool art curriculum critical thinking

They gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Art is not just about creating pretty pictures; it also involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


When kids create art, they make decisions about color, composition, and subject matter. They experiment with different materials and techniques.


Best of all, these skills don’t just pop up for art time. They transfer to math, science, and language arts.


In fact, often it’s a requirement to get into med school to have a creative pursuit for just this very reason.

homeschool art curriculum in pile of art

Their self-esteem and confidence soars!

If you’ve ever seen a photo of a child holding up their art work and looked at their smile – you’ve seen it. They are brimming with joy, self-esteem and confidence.

So often kids are full of big ideas that they don’t know how to get to the paper. Through a combination of experimentation with art supplies, and step-by-step instruction, kids suddenly find that they can create rocketships and draw elephants. 

And you’ll see it in every aspect of their lives too. This kind of confidence spreads to the first time they take a new class, the first time they meet a potential friend, and when they play that first soccer game.

And when you feel “non-artsy”, having art projects in your back pocket that will walk you through fosters your self-confidence too. Too often we feel like we can teach math, but not art.

I’m here to tell you – you definitely can teach art to kids.

homeschool art curriculum girl outside

Art provides a break - for them, and for you.

Homeschooling can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to cover all the subjects.


If we asked kids if they’d like to take an hour and do math to get a break, most would look at us like we’re crazy.


But if you ask kids if they’d like to sit down and paint for awhile, the answer is usually a resounding yes!


That’s because art offers a welcome break from other academics, or so it appears. The truth is, art also covers these academics, but in a low-stress way.


Draw a comet moth and you’re doing art, science, geography, and more inside a single lesson. Win-win-win-win.

A homeschool art curriculum increases quality family time - where everyone is having fun!

Not many kids remember that time they sat down to diagram a sentence or do a story problem.


But they do remember when Mom sat down to paint a frost giant with them, or to draw a dragon.


So many of us don’t pick up paint again after elementary school – it’s a guilty pleasure. But by working on art projects together, your relationship with your child strengthens.


And you might rediscover a love for art again too.

homeschool art curriculum glitterbombers

Wondering if there’s a homeschool art curriculum where you can find hundreds of kid-tested and kid-approved art projects without spending hours combing the internet?

The Glitterbombers membership only opens several times a year, and inside you’ll find hundreds of step-by-step art lessons, hundreds of videos for kids, technique training videos, silly drawing prompts, cross-curricular activities for language arts and math, and a one-of-a-kind fun community. We also love pairing our projects with other homeschool curriculums out there that you know and love!

Thousands of members are creating art with their kids, getting much needed breaks, and starting homeschool co-ops and groups teaching art – and we can’t wait to support YOU too.

Learn more HERE and jump on the waitlist to be notified when we open, or check out The Glitter Bomb® Shop where you can download one of our free bundles: Tide Pools or Farmers Market, while you wait!

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