Honey Bee Art Project
This honey bee art project celebrates the discovery of Black entomologist Charles Henry Turner, known for discovering that bees see in color.
This honey bee art project celebrates the discovery of Black entomologist Charles Henry Turner, known for discovering that bees see in color.
A Word of the Year isn’t just for adults – sit down and have fun creating an artsy word of the year with your kids and simple supplies.
Kids of all ages can create a unique Dream Door inspired by MLK Jr and his speech “I have a dream” using any supply.
Dinovember art projects for kids are perfect for sub plans, early finishers, remote learning, or every day artsy fun.
Try this free Stingray Art Project for Kids that can be done with a black marker and crayons or watercolors.
Soul Sparklettes Art is now on YouTube. Learn 5 Benefits of Art Videos for Kids as well as learn about the growing list of draw-alongs.
It’s no secret that owls are my favorite animal. It’s also no secret that I have a love-hate relationship with drawing them, and I can… Read More »Rainbow Owl with a Bad Hair Day | Art Project for Kids
Grab a piece of paper, a black marker, and an object and join us for this Found Object Drawing. It’s perfect for all ages.
Try out this Bunny Trouble Art Project where it looks like bunny peeps are invading, just in time for Easter.
Create this easy and engaging Bunny Doodle Art Project inspired by author and illustrator Leigh Hodghkinson.