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Glitterbombers and Glitterbombers HIGH Memberships

Join the leading kid-approved art membership out there! Not just “how to draw”, Glitterbombers is dragons alongside Monet, favorite books like Wings of Fire alongside the elements of art!

Hundreds of art projects, videos, and resources, 3 full done-for-you curriculums, all kid-tested, kid-approved, and developed with kid-input. Never hear “I’m bored” ever again! Join thousands already loving our projects, videos, sub plans, diverse artist studies, and STEAM lessons!

We know what you’re looking for because we looked for it too. Our projects are developed by a homeschooler and art teacher team – so you’re successful teaching 700 in a week or just 1 at the dining table.

Already a member? Log in right here.

The Glitter Bomb® – Try a FREE bundle, on us!

These two original bundles of Soul Sparklettes Art’s The Glitter Bomb® are available for free download. These bundles from July 2020 and August 2020 contain 10 lesson plans, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts.

Tide Pools

Peek into the tide pools and discover Matisse’s crabs, quilled octopi, watercolor sea stars and sea urchins. You might just find a “walking shark”, an oyster catcher, or a sea otter swimming by. This bundle is one of our free downloads.


Farmers Market

Head to the Farmers Market for flowers, bring your new Batik bag, sketch that delicious tomato, learn the strawberry lifecycle, design a food truck menu, and grab a tasty popsicle. This bundle is one of our free downloads.


The Glitter Bomb® – Workshops

Purchase recordings from our live 2021 and 2022 workshops!  

2022 Glitter Sketch Workshop Recordings

These are recorded lessons of our 2022 live workshop.  Join and create with us as we make: 

Simply Abstract Journals with Robin Mead of Robin Mead Designs

Sunrise in Textas with Ines Alvidres

Doodle, Noodle, Kit and Caboodle with Laurie Keller

Gleeful Guppies with Julie Soul



2021 Glitter Blast Workshop Recordings

These are recorded lessons of our 2021 live workshop. Join and create with us as we make: 

Story Mountain with Anna Battle of Shiny Happy Art

Desert Twilight with Adrianne Hawthorne of Ponnopozz

Wild Garden with Robin Mead of Robin Mead Designs

Octopus Garden with Julie Soul of Soul Sparklettes Art



The Glitter Bomb® – Full Bundles

These bundles from 2020 are also located within the Glitterbombers Membership, but are available for individual purchase for non-members.  These are perfect to use for unit studies! Each bundle includes an on-topic chapter book and each art project includes picture book recommendations.  We also include discussion questions, extensions, and silly drawing prompts to round out your unit study.  

All 2021 and 2022 bundles of The Glitter Bomb® are only available within the membership in their entirety. Members get access to all bundles when joining, immediately with no unlocking. 2021 and 2022 bundles feature more content, I CAN statements, vocabulary, essential questions, and more.

UK & Irish Myths and Legends

Dive deep into the myths and legends of UK & Ireland with the Loch Ness Monster, wyverns, and unicorns. Swim with the selkies, watch out for the will o’ the wisps, and create a fairy door. 10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts included.



Forests in the Fall

Peek under fallen leaves to find surprises, gaze upward at the aspens, drink tea with woodland animals, and create leaf reliefs with nature in this bundle that celebrates forests around the world, and the Autumn season. 10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts included.



Caves and Crystals

Create sparkling watermelon tourmaline, head into the caves of Cuba to find frogs and snails, discover underwater treasure, and visit the Marble Caves with The Scream. Caves & Crystals is full of the mystery of caves, and the beautiful gems and animals found within them. 10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts included.



Wacky Weather

Roll down the hill with Thiebaud snow donuts, view the lightning from Zeus’ Temple, dress Safari animals up for the seasons, and get swept along in a Sharknado. Wacky Weather is full of projects that teaches kids their weather at home – and some of the strangest weather in the world. 10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts included.



Nordic Countries

Talk with the tomten, meet the Sami reindeer, marvel at Yggdrasil the World Tree, and get photobombed with puffins.  This bundle offers a snapshop of all of the beauty that awaits in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. 10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, and silly drawing prompts included.


Awesome Anatomy

Take a “cellfie” using wet-on-wet watercolor technique, create a mighty molar by transfer using gel crayons, make a symmetrical beetle and so much more!  Explore Awesome Anatomy in this bundle that provides cross-curricular tie-in with science with every project.  10 full projects, cross-curricular extensions, silly drawing prompts, book recommendations and chapter book discussion questions included.


Individual Art Lesson Plans

Stained Glass Chameleon

This art project teaches students about the chameleons of Madagascar as well as Tiffany glass designer Clara Driscoll. Students use oil pastels and watercolors in order to create a stained glass composition.



Mars Rover

This art project celebrates the Mars Rover and teaches students how to use simple shapes to create a larger, more complex robot. Sharpie and watercolors are used in order to create a beautiful martian landscape using line and pattern.



Beetle Mania

This larger-than-life beetle from our Awesome Anatomy bundle teaches the parts of a beetle as students create a 3D beetle learning oil pastel blending techniques.



Bison Blockade

In this project, students will choose three different colors for their Yellowstone background, draw an adorable bison blocking the way, and then explode the geyser by sponge painting smoke and steam.



Taco Time

 In this project, students will create a collage including a silver platter, their taco and its filling, and that sneaky dragon hand coming in to grab it.



Shape Castle Silhouette

In this project, students will create the full moon that gives it an eerie appearance, and then use a single piece of paper which they will deconstruct into shapes and then reconstruct into a castle. Older students can add movable shutters, and younger students can just use a silver marker or oil pastel to add the reflection of windows under the moonlight.



Writing & Art - TOGETHER!

Delicious Diner Writing Course - with Canva!

Get kids writing and creating their own unique Delicious Diner with this video-based writing course for kids. No Canva experience necessary! Modules include Intro to Canva, Writing Recipes, Advertising Your Diner, Hiring Your Team, and more. Best for kids 3rd grade and up.

Special intro pricing of $19 – save $10! One-time payment.

impossible creatures unit study

LiterARTure: Impossible Creatures

30 jam-packed pages of art and writing inspired by the book Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell:

  • 4 sections of discussion topics and questions 
  • 3 extension activities – writing, mapwork, math, and social-emotional learning
  • Learning links including videos, maps, and pictures